5,311 research outputs found

    El viaje triunfal de Carlos V por Sicilia tras la victoria de Túnez

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    En el año 1535 el emperador Carlos V realiza un viaje triunfal por el norte de Sicilia tras la victoria de Túnez. En las entradas realizadas en las ciudades sicilianas van a aparecer los elementos ceremoniales, que después van a imitar las restantes ciudades italianas, que van a recibir al emperador. El triunfo a la romana y las novelas de caballería son los principales modelos utilizados en las decoraciones efímeras, que van a tener importantes consecuencias artísticas en el arte Europeo de la época. PALABRAS CLAVES: Carlos V, Sicilia, Túnez, entradas triunfales, Renacimiento, Santa Cruz

    Los cabildos municipales como promotores de la fiesta barroca en Andalucía y América : Málaga y México

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    Págs. 447-45

    El arte al servicio del poder y de la propaganda imperial. La boda del príncipe Felipe con María Tudor en la Catedral de Winchester y la solemne entrada de la pareja real en Londres

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    En el año 1553 el emperador Carlos V acuerda la boda de su hijo, el príncipe Felipe, con la reina de Inglaterra María Tudor. Con este motivo el príncipe organiza su viaje conforme a la etiqueta borgoñona, partiendo desde Valladolid, donde entonces se hallaba la corte, para dirigirse a la Coruña, donde embarca hacia Southampton. En este artículo se analizan las fi estas que las autoridades organizaron en las poblaciones por las que iba pasando, la boda en la catedral de Winchester el 25 de julio de 1554, y la solemne entrada de la pareja real en Londres el 18 de agosto.In 1553, the emperor Charles V went to the wedding of his son, Prince Philip, and the Queen of England, Mary Tudor. Th e Prince organized his journey for the purpose in accordance with the Burgundian etiquette, setting off from Valladolid, where the court was then located, for La Coruña, where he embarked for Southampton. Th is article analyses the festivals the authorities organised in the towns and villages the Prince passed through, the wedding in Winchester Cathedral on 25 July, 1554, and the royal couple’s solemn entry into London on 18 August

    Elementos de Arteterapia como Medio de Comunicación y Elaboración en Psicoterapia con Adolescentes

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    En este artículo inicialmente se realiza una revisión teórica de la construcción de la identidad y el sí mismo en la adolescencia, desde autores constructivistas como Piaget, Kegan y Guidano, para luego resaltar las implicancias del abordaje psicoterapéutico en esta etapa vital. En este plano, se considera el Arteterapia como una modalidad de trabajo que ofrece una amplia gama de posibilidades en la psicoterapia con adolescentes. Finalmente se presenta un estudio de caso, en que se muestra cómo en un proceso terapéutico se llevaron a cabo diversas técnicas de Arteterapia con resultados positivos.Initialy it’s made a teoric revision of the identity construction and the concept of self in the adolescence, from constructivist authors like Piaget, Kegan and Guidano, highlighting the implications of the psychotherapy approach in this vital stage. From this perspective the Arttherapy is considerated a way of work with a large range of posibilitys in the psychotherapy with adolescents. Finally it’s presented a case study, were it’s shown how in a therapeutic process several techniques of Arttherapy were used with positive results

    Empirical best prediction under area-level Poisson mixed models

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    [Abstract] The paper studies the applicability of area-level Poisson mixed models to estimate small area counting indicators. Among the available procedures for fitting generalized linear models, the method of moments (MM) and the penalised quasi-likelihood (PQL) method are employed. The empirical best predictor (EBP) of the area mean is derived using MM and compared with plug-in alternatives using MM and PQL. The plug-in estimator using PQL is computationally faster and provides competitive performance with respect to EBP that involves high complex integrals. An approximation to the mean squared error (MSE) of the EBP is given and three MSE estimators are proposed. The first two MSE estimators are plug-in estimators without and with bias correction to the second order and the third one is based on parametric bootstrap. Several simulation experiments are carried out for analysing the behaviour of the EBP and for comparing the estimators of the MSE of the EBP. A good choice in practice is the bootstrap alternative since it performs similarly to the analytical versions and is computationally faster. The developed methodology and software are applied to data from the 2008 Spanish living condition survey. The target of the application is the estimation of poverty rates at province level.Xunta de Galicia; CN2012/130Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; MTM2013-41383-PMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; MTM2014-52876-RMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; MTM2011-22392Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; MTM2008-03010Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; MTM2012-37077-C02-0

    Small area prediction of proportions and counts under a spatial Poisson mixed model

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    [Abstract]: This paper introduces an area-level Poisson mixed model with SAR(1) spatially correlated random effects. Small area predictors of proportions and counts are derived from the new model and the corresponding mean squared errors are estimated by parametric bootstrap. The behaviour of the introduced predictors is empirically investigated by running model-based simulation experiments. An application to real data from the Spanish living conditions survey of Galicia (Spain) is given. The target is the estimation of domain proportions of women under the poverty line.Supported by the Instituto Galego de Estatística, by MICINN Grants PID2020-113578RB-I00 and PGC2018-096840-B-I00, by the Generalitat Valenciana Grant PROMETEO/2021/063 and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C 2020/14), and by GAIN (Galician Innovation Agency) and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry Grant COV20/00604 and Centro de Investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia ED431G 2019/01, all of them through the ERDF.Generalitat Valenciana; PROMETEO/2021/063Xunta de Galicia; ED431C/2020/14Xunta de Galicia; COV20/00604Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/2019/0

    Systematic Review: Preventive Intervention to Curb the Youth Online Gambling Problem

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    This systematic review focuses on all the gambling addiction prevention programs carried out in schools, with the intention of making their effectiveness known and encouraging the creation of more such programs. During the third quarter of 2021, an exhaustive search was conducted using the databases of Scopus, Medline (via Pubmed), WOS, and PsycINFO. The search strategy was based on a combination of specific search terms: “Gambling Disorder [Mesh]”, “Online Gambling Disorder [Mesh]”, and “Prevention Programs [Mesh]”. A total of 15 articles were chosen for systematic review. All the programs analyzed show effective results, although there are several methodological shortcomings in the way they are conducted. Effective programs need to focus more on long-term results and the emotional aspects of gambling. We need professionals who can convey the causal nature of the problem the youth are facing